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In the next 5 hours, 4 people will die from suicide in the UK and Ireland...
3 of them will be men.

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Talk Outcomes:

✓ Engage and motivate your audience with groundbreaking scientific findings


✓ Start an inclusive and positive conversation about male mental health

✓ Explore the link between hormones, goal setting and mental health in men

✓ Uncover practical and proven strategies for better male mental and physical health

✓ Suitable for audiences of any size, both in person and online

Why book this talk about Male Mental Health?

You may know that 3 out of every 4 deaths by suicide in the UK and Ireland are men.
But did you also know that:


  • In 2012 Samaritans warned that talking and talking therapy are not addressing the key factors associated with suicide in men [1]

  • Between 2010 and 2022, the rate of men using talking therapies increased by 50%, and yet the rate of male suicide also increased - by 14% [2]

  • The most effective treatment for depression is not routinely discussed with men who are suffering from depression [3]

...And would you like to know what to do about it?

It's time to start a conversation about male mental health that's actually useful for men.

Discover how hormones, lifestyle, and goal setting influence male mental health with this engaging talk from TEDx speaker Ryan Parke. Drawing from 1,000+ sources and his experience coaching men, this talk unveils groundbreaking insights, offering simple steps to support the men you care about. Whether you are a man, or simply want to understand the men in your life, Ryan will reveal: 

  • How all the biggest killers of men are linked and may be avoidable

  • The role that hormones play in male mental health and specific steps men can take for better wellbeing and resilience

  • Why the current approach to mental health isn't working for men and how we can make male mental health support more engaging, relevant and effective

Delivered through a combination of science, story and strategy, this fascinating talk is as positive as it is serious. You will leave with a deeper understanding of how lifestyle impacts male mental health, plus specific steps that men can take for better wellbeing, resilience and mental health. 

Content Notice: During this talk Ryan will directly address sensitive topics including suicide, chronic health conditions and aggression.
Please consider whether this talk is right for you before attending.

Choose between Online and 'In Person' events:

Booked to speak by:

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Audience Testimonials

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Rose Testimonial
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Feedback for this Talk as of August 2024

Would you recommend this talk?

Yes - 98.6% of attendees.

Delegate feedback as of August 2024

What did you like about this talk?

'Very well presented. Hugely informative. Key evidence to support the points raised made simple to understand'

'Very informative with specific tools and practices to implement. Ryan was very engaging and welcoming to'

Ryan's energy is addictive, and the content was mind blowing'

'Such an eye opener. Stats to back up absolutely everything. And delivered in a really nice manner'

'Very informative, lots of different research and experience put together for best results'

How will you be able to use your new knowledge?

'Will enable me to make simple changes to have a positive impact' 

'Share with everyone around me personally/professionally, change my approach and support men's mental health for the better'

'Working with men and being a supportive partner to my husband'

'Helping self and others - listening to others and sharing ideas and putting plans into action - particularly exercise/diet/vitamin d.'

What would you change about this workshop?

'Honestly nothing, was engaged throughout'

'Make it available to more people, its excellent'

'Don't think I would change anything if honest . It was a good mix of serious information and lightheartedness'

'Nothing, but to continue spreading the word, workshops/seminar's and visit us again'

'There wasn't anything I didn't like, was all very relevant and informative, I learnt a lot'

How would you describe this talk to others thinking of attending?

'I'm not usually a fan of online training/talks but this was so insightful and interesting. I was engaged for every second. In my work around homelessness, I’d like to think I have a good knowledge of mental health and have had various training over many years which is great but it’s rare you seek new information like this.'

'It's not "just another talk" it is better than that '

'You must listen to it. I didn't know any of this information which will definitely help'

'Life changing'

True, useful, 

and interesting. 

(Desktop viewing recommended)

It's time to book
The Myth That Kills Men


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The Mens Coach is a trading name of YKIWYSI Limited
Registration No: 13564720.  VAT No: 469378825.
Registered office: 2 Hampden Road, 
Flitwick, Bedfordshire, England, MK45 1HX. 

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